The beat goes on ….
I recall telling Michelle back in 2016 that if she was serious about moving to Florida we needed to visit in August, not in January or March or November. We did so in 2017, rented a house on the river in Cape Coral, spent some time running around and ended up buying property in Port Charlotte. We left Florida about three weeks before Hurricane Irma showed up. That hurricane is still on the minds of many of our neighbors, but (for the fourth year now) we seem to be progressing safely through the current season – always aware that September/October are the more deadly months.
Loki and his older siblings (minus Taco, the spooky calico cat) enjoying the morning coffee.

We are amazed that we are so busy.
Michelle has progressed in her leadership roles at her facility so much that she was asked to change teams to help solidify another area of clinical care. She has flirted with the idea of getting an MBA but with her current schedule, that doesn’t seem feasible.
I have found a new place in the wine industry. I was employee of the month this past month and have now passed 4 of the 7 examinations towards the TWP certification. The last was the hardest yet – all of France except Bordeaux (which I had already passed) and Champagne/Cremant (which is the 7th exam). Burgundy itself was insanely complex, but then one had to include Beaujolais, Chablis, Loire, Alsace, Minervois, Languedoc-Roussillon. The conversation among Total Wine employees in this program is that the first exam (California/Oregon/Washington) is the hardest. It is difficult, but I believe that this view is held mainly because many never get past the first exam. Sorry, but Bordeaux, Italy, and other France are more difficult. I am happy to be past them. Now it is all about Australia/New Zealand, South America, and South Africa.
Decisions about lifestyle: One of my dreams about being here was for me and Michelle to spend hours and days running down the river to the gulf to Fort Myers Beach and St. James City or downtown Ft. Myers – all of which we’ve done. For the first two years I was here I made it a tradition to take the boat down to the nearest eatery for lunch on my birthday.
But, with my involvement in Total Wine, Michelle’s obligations at her job, my “other” job as haushusband – doing the lawn, laundry, housework; we simply are not using the boat. Loki doesn’t like the boat and Michelle doesn’t have time by the time she gets home. When I have the opportunity to take the boat out, I invariably find something else that is a higher priority. And every time I look at that beautiful boat sitting out there, I feel guilty. So, I have decided to get it in the best mechanical and cosmetical shape and sell it to someone who might use and appreciate it.
There are many boat clubs that allow one to rent a boat. My pilot’s license will not go away. This just seems like a logical choice.
I’ll be sad to see it go, but happy for the one who gets to enjoy it and happy that it is being used.

Time marches on. I had cataract surgery on both eyes in July. Not thrilled. I paid a bunch of money to correct my astigmatism and near-sightedness only to have to wear glasses for anything closer than two feet. When I complained to my eye doctor (who I think is amazing), she said, “Better than going blind”. OK, fine.
We’re doing well here in SWFL. Hope all of you are happy and healthy. Drop me a line whenever. Always happy to hear from you.