Interesting textual settings abound in this motet. The Formschneider print is quite careless with the text, something that one might think would not be the case in music for such an important feast day. Words are omitted and/or the chant melody is ignored in several cases. As always, anything in brackets has been added by the editor and was not in the original print. Other oddities are noted in the score. Isaac’s use of word painting is on display throughout (“descendit”, “lux”, etc.). The melody is usually in the uppermost voice – even when the soprano part is silent. The SA parts are often in duet as are the TB voices.
Alleluia. Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis: Venite gentes, et adorate Dominum. Quia hodie descendit lux magna super terra. Alleluia.
Alleluia. A holy day dawns on us Come ye people and worship the Lord for today a great light has descended to earth. Alleluia.